Saturday, January 25
*Check in is 15 minutes before wave start times
Kids (Male & Female) 9:00AM
Mature Kids (Male & Female) 11:00AM
Preteens, Teens, Young Adults (Male & Female) 1:00PM
Adults and Masters (Male & Female) 3:00PM
*Check in is 15 minutes before wave start times
Kids (Male & Female) 9:00AM
Mature Kids (Male & Female) 11:00AM
Preteens, Teens, Young Adults (Male & Female) 1:00PM
Adults and Masters (Male & Female) 3:00PM
Age by January 1st, 2025 determines age division!
Things to know for WNL competitions:
- Only a Certified Coach can follow an athlete while they run through a Qualifier Course
- The top 3 unqualified males and females in each age group will qualify for the Midwest Regional
- All age divisions, including Elites, are allowed to continue on the course after they fall until their time limit is used up (except on Challenge Courses).
- Elite division is intended only for top tier competitors. This division is intended for the strongest competitors and will feature the most challenging obstacles. Anyone meeting the age requirement that has not already competed in another division can register for the Elite division.
- Certified WNL coaches receive a wristband for when they are coaching.
- Coaches are only allowed in the athletes' area or course during the wave(s) when they are the listed as a coach for an athlete in that wave.
Additional Info:
- Ninja Works Athlete ID / WNL Waiver: Competitors must have both a Season 9 WNL waiver and their 6 digit NinjaWorks Athlete ID to register. Both of these can be found on the WNL homepage:
- Competitors will also need to have our gym's waiver filled out which can be found on our homepage
- Redemption Time is included in the schedule. It’s a time for athletes to go back and try obstacles from the course after their division has ended.